ROTD: Pork Skewers

You'll never want to order pork skewers out again, after making this recipe. Throw them in oven, on the grill, or over charcoal, and enjoy


For the Marinade

  • 1 cup homemade or store-bought mayonnaise
  • 2 onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 tbsp freshly ground pepper
  • Finely chopped parsley

For the Pork Skewer

  • 700g pork leg (sirloin or round cut), cut into chunks
  • 8 wooden skewers
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 colorful bell peppers
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper

For the Oven-Baked Potatoes

  • 6 large yellow potatoes
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tbsp fresh finely chopped rosemary
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper


  1. In a glass bowl, combine the mayonnaise, the onion slices, parsley, and grated pepper.
  2. Use a spoon to mix the ingredients well. Add the meat to the marinade and mix thoroughly.
  3. Cover the bowl with transparent wrap and let the meat marinate for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator, or even overnight.
  4. Stir occasionally, cover again well, and store in the refrigerator.
  5. Clean and cut the additional onion into quarters.
  6. Cut the bell peppers in half, remove seeds and pith, and cut into quarters.
  7. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
  8. Add the marinated pork, onion, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes alternately onto the skewers. It’s best to start with a vegetable and finish with a vegetable.
  9. After threading all the ingredients, place them on a plate and add salt and pepper.
  10. Grill the marinated pork souvlaki over charcoal or on the grill for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  11. They need a total of 12-15 minutes of grilling.
  12. For the potatoes clean, wash, and cut them into 6 pieces.
  13. Put them in a saucepan, cover with water, and cook for 15 minutes from the time they come to a boil.
  14. They will be ready when fork tender.
  15. Preheat the oven at 250°C.
  16. Pour out the water from the pot and shake it to roughen the potatoes and make them bumpy.
  17. Arrange them on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with fresh rosemary, and mix.
  18. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the potatoes turn golden brown and crispy on the outside while remaining tender inside.


Source: Argiro Barbarigou

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