ROTD: Mushroom and Zucchini Orzo

A great vegan option and warm-up for the Lenten fast

Prep. Time 10′ Cooking Time 15′  Serves 4


300 grams coarse barley
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tender zucchini (sliced)
250 grams mushrooms (sliced)
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
6 cherry tomatoes, chopped
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1/2 cup light cream, or coconut cream for a vegan option


  1. Cut all vegetables.
  2. In salted boiling water, add the barley and boil it and drain it. Keep some of the boiled water from the barley to thin out the vegetable sauce if so desired.
  3. Drizzle the barley with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Stir and set aside.
  4. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and sauté the crushed garlic for 1 min.
  5. Add the mushrooms and sauté for 2-3 minutes to reduce their volume.
  6. Add the zucchini and sauté for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Add the tomatoes and sauté for 2 minutes over high heat. Season with salt and pepper.
  8. Add the spring onions and stir for 1-2 minutes, just until they are covered in oil.
  9. Sprinkle the casserole with the parsley and add the cream. Boil for 1 minute.
  10. Remove from the heat. Add the boiled barley to the pot and, if you want the vegetable sauce thinner, add some of the water that you retained from step 2.
  11. Stir very well and serve. Sprinkle with grated cheese (even vegan cheese) if desired.


Source: Argiro Barbarigou

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