ROTD: Potato Salad with Cream Cheese and Herbs

Super easy, super quick, don't miss out!

This “Recipe of the Day” comes together in just 25 minutes and can be served both warm as a meal and cold as a side dish.


  • 500 g baby potatoes (small potatoes work too)
  • 1 slither of lemon peel
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 200 g fresh cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp mustard
  • Half a red bell pepper
  • 2 tbsp parsley
  • 1 tbsp dill
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped mini pickles
  • For pickled onions:
  • Half an onion, sliced as thinly as possible.
  • 1tsp sugar (any kind)
  • 1tsp salt
  • Red wine vinegar


1. Potatoes:

  • Wash your potatoes very well as you’ll leave the peel on.
  • Bring a pot of water to a boil and add salt and the lemon peel. You can also add a few herb stems in too (eg. parsley, dill).
  • Boil the potatoes for about 15-20 minutes until they are fork tender. Boiling time will vary depending on the size of your potatoes.
  • As your potatoes are bubbling away, to a small bowl add you onion slices, salt and sugar and pour your red wine vinegar until it covers the contents entirely. Leave aside for at least 15 minutes.
  • Strain your potatoes and, while still warm, cut them into small pieces (halve baby potatoes, quarter regular ones).

2. Dressing:

  • Without letting them cool down, add olive oil, salt, pepper, and cream cheese to the potatoes.
  • Add mustard, lemon, vinegar, bell pepper, pickles, and your pickled onions.
  • Mix well.
  • Sprinkle with some finely chopped dill, parsley, and a little chives.
  • Serve hot, or pop in the fridge for later.
  • Optional topping: Crispy Bacon
  • Finely chop 1 slice of bacon and brown in a hot, dry pan for 2-3 minutes, then let it cool. Sprinkle on your salad just before serving.

Source: Argiro Barbarigou

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