ROTD: Octopus and Artichokes

As we've kicked off the Lenten fasting, this Octopus and Artichokes recipe keeps meals delicious and follows religious tradition

Prep. Time Cooking Time Serves


  • 1 kg octopus
  • 5 artichokes
  • 1 cup white dry wine
  • 2 onions
  • 3 spring onions
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp dill
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • Freshly ground pepper


  1. Place the octopus in a pot with white wine and water, and simmer until tender.
  2. Clean the artichokes, slice them, and soak them in water with the lemon juice.
  3. Sauté the onions in the olive oil until soft, then add the sliced artichokes and continue cooking.
  4. Cut the cooked octopus into pieces and add it, along with any cooking liquids, to the pan with the artichokes.
  5. Season with plenty of pepper, cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes until the liquids reduce slightly.
  6. Sprinkle with finely some chopped dill towards the end of cooking.
  7. Serve the octopus and artichokes hot!


Source: Argiro Barbarigou 

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