
  • 8 medium potatoes
  • 1 kg sardines or anchovies
  • 1 tbsp spicy mustard
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick wedges.
  2. Place the potato wedges in a small baking dish, fitting them snugly together.
  3. Add the garlic, oregano, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, and mustard to the dish. Mix well to combine all the ingredients.
  4. Add water to the dish until it reaches halfway up the potatoes (about 1 glass of water).
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C on both the top and bottom elements with fan for 40 minutes until the potatoes are tender.
  6. Check the potatoes with a fork to ensure they are soft. Once they are cooked, place the sardines in a single layer on top of the potatoes.
  7. Bake for an additional 15 minutes.
  8. Optional: Sprinkle with some finely chopped parsley before serving.


Source: Argiro Barbarigou