10th Cretan Olive Oil Competition: Celebrating Gastronomic Excellence and Promoting Quality

The aim of the competition is to highlight the quality and strengthen the image of Cretan olive oil in both domestic and international markets.

The 10th Cretan Olive Oil Competition, organized by the Region of Crete and the Agrofood Partnership, saw its grand culmination on Sunday, March 31, 2024. Held at the Cretan Sensory Laboratory of the Agrofood Partnership, the evaluation of olive oil samples showcased the region’s finest produce. The awards ceremony, attended by local authorities and deserving awardees, celebrated Cretan gastronomic excellence.

The aim of the competition is to highlight the quality and strengthen the image of Cretan olive oil in both domestic and international markets. This year’s commemorative awards ceremony featured a rich thematic range, starting from olive cultivation in the fields and extending to the exceptionally virgin olive oil and its uses, particularly in restaurants.

An additional goal is to increase participation in the competition and emphasize the triad: product identity – quality – competitiveness, in an effort to achieve maximum outward orientation required through the collaboration of all involved parties.

“Crete has a strategic olive oil plan,” emphasized Stavros Arnaoutakis, Crete’s regional governor. He stressed that its aims include promoting innovative cultivation and production methods, improving quality to meet current standards and market needs, increasing standardized olive oil production, enhancing exports, and integrating it with tourism and gastronomy.

“As the Region of Crete, we’ll persist in our promotional endeavors, as the competition aims to spotlight and promote olive oil’s exceptional quality, rich sensory attributes, and nutritional value,” emphasized Stavros Tzedakis, Deputy Regional Governor of Agricultural Economy.

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