Yiannis Paraschis (SETE): Sustainability and Workforce, the Two Challenges of Greek Tourism

Paraschis focused on the environmental aspect of sustainability in tourism, referencing a recent Deloitte – INSETE study

At the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE) annual conference, President Yiannis Paraschis highlighted two main challenges for Greek tourism: sustainability and a shortage of skilled labor, both expected to significantly impact the industry in 2024 and beyond.

Paraschis focused on the environmental aspect of sustainability in tourism, referencing a recent Deloitte – INSETE study.

He pointed out that many businesses aren’t prioritizing carbon emission reduction or providing sustainability training to staff. Most lack defined objectives and don’t engage in partnerships for sustainability, especially smaller enterprises.

To tackle these issues, SETE plans to launch a Program for Transitioning Tourism Enterprises to Sustainable Operation by 2024. Paraschis stressed that this initiative aims to equip businesses with tools for evolving towards sustainability and zero emissions, framing it as both necessary and beneficial for their success.

Another major concern is the labor shortage, with a deficit of 63,000 positions according to a Hotel Chamber of Greece study. Paraschis highlighted ongoing discussions with relevant ministries to address this through attraction programs, training, and adapting qualifications to meet industry demands.

He reiterated that human capital remains crucial in shaping the future of the tourism sector.

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