TUI Benelux Head: High Demand for Greece by Dutch, Belgian Tourists for 2024

“I expect 2024 to be a good year with strong demand for holidays as we saw in 2023,” Luc Lentjes said when asked what he foresees for 2024

Despite geopolitical turmoil and rising inflation in 2024, demand will be robust in the markets of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg for travel to Spain and Greece, the Director of Product and Profitability at TUI Benelux, Luc Lentjes told Travmagazine in an interview.

Lentjes further highlighted that Turkey will continue to follow these two destinations in terms of demand, while he estimates the far-off Curaçao will also stand out.

The TUI Benelux executive noted that for summer reservations, the trend is for holidaymakers to pre-book much earlier than the date of their vacations.

“I expect 2024 to be a good year with strong demand for holidays as we saw in 2023,” Luc Lentjes said when asked what he saw for 2024.

“Of course, there are challenges on several fronts. External factors that play a role in this are in the field of government policy regarding Schiphol, the economic outlook, consumer confidence and the changing political landscape. In addition, we see that a growing number of consumers like to book their holidays for next summer at an early stage. That’s good for us, but also for the consumer, because he still has all the choice. Especially since we now know from the experience of summer 2023 but also the current winter that many good accommodations and flights are quickly fully booked in the last-minute season.”

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