The Top 10 Destinations Greeks Searched in 2023

Rome held the top spot in preferences for most months of 2023, except for May, July, September, October, and November when London took a slight lead

Rome, Paris, London, Istanbul and Vienna are the top destinations Greeks searched in 2023, according to Google searches as processed by Digital Tourism & Travel Marketing Agency Tourix.

Google’s search engine is a key tool for holidaymakers to plan and prepare their vacation by looking for practical details like where to book related to their interests.

In a detailed breakdown, the top 10 cities with the highest travel demand among Greeks for 2023 include:


Rome held the top spot in preferences for most months of 2023, except for May, July, September, October, and November when London took a slight lead.

There was a noticeable interchange of the first position between London and Rome throughout the months. However, along with Paris, they managed to stay within the top 3 consistently throughout 2023.

Tourism across Europe showed signs of recovery in 2023, and according to Eurostat data, there was a rise in overnight stays by 171 million in 2023 compared to 2022, marking a 6.3% increase.

This surge was primarily attributed to the rise in the number of international visitors (+146 million) and, to a lesser extent, the increase in domestic visitors (+25 million).

Tourism levels, measured in terms of overnight stays, were 25% higher than a decade ago (2013: 2.33 billion overnight stays).

In comparison to 2022, nearly all European Union member states experienced an increase in tourism in 2023, with only Luxembourg recording a slight decrease (-0.1%).

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