Greece 5th Most Popular Tourist Destination in S. Europe

The results are based on 8,000 travelers from seven European countries and reflect optimism for the travel year of 2024.

Greece tied with Portugal as the 5th most popular tourist destination in southern Europe for European travelers, according to a study by renowned global hospitality group Accor.

The results are based on 8,000 travelers from seven European countries and reflect a general optimism for the travel year of 2024.

A little over half (54%) of respondents said they would spend more money compared to last year.

The data indicated that one in four (23%) planned a trip to Spain this year as the country was the most popular tourist destination, followed by Italy (18%), France (16%), Portugal, and Greece (13%). Outside of Europe, Northern, Central America, and Asia account for 16%.

Sustainability appeared to be a key selection criterion for the respondents, as seven out of 10 travelers (71%) stated their trip was partly influenced by it.
Specifically, Italians lead in green travel with 82%, followed by Spain (78%) and Poland (77%). However, sustainable travel is also more challenging due to cost, as noted by 38% of participants, and insufficient information (23%)

According to the report, travelers seem to choose their destinations based on the following factors:

  • Friends and Family: 35% of travelers select their destination based on recommendations from friends and family.
  • Online Platforms and Websites: 29% rely on online platforms and websites for destination choices.
  • Tour Operators and Reliable Brands: 17% consider recommendations from tour operators and trusted brands.
  • Television Programs and Movies: 16% are influenced by TV programs or movies, often wanting to discover filming locations.
  • Social Media: Additionally, 12% are influenced by social media.
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