Greece tied with Portugal as the 5th most popular tourist destination in southern Europe for European travelers, according to a study by renowned global hospitality group Accor.

The results are based on 8,000 travelers from seven European countries and reflect a general optimism for the travel year of 2024.

A little over half (54%) of respondents said they would spend more money compared to last year.

The data indicated that one in four (23%) planned a trip to Spain this year as the country was the most popular tourist destination, followed by Italy (18%), France (16%), Portugal, and Greece (13%). Outside of Europe, Northern, Central America, and Asia account for 16%.

Sustainability appeared to be a key selection criterion for the respondents, as seven out of 10 travelers (71%) stated their trip was partly influenced by it.
Specifically, Italians lead in green travel with 82%, followed by Spain (78%) and Poland (77%). However, sustainable travel is also more challenging due to cost, as noted by 38% of participants, and insufficient information (23%)

According to the report, travelers seem to choose their destinations based on the following factors:

  • Friends and Family: 35% of travelers select their destination based on recommendations from friends and family.
  • Online Platforms and Websites: 29% rely on online platforms and websites for destination choices.
  • Tour Operators and Reliable Brands: 17% consider recommendations from tour operators and trusted brands.
  • Television Programs and Movies: 16% are influenced by TV programs or movies, often wanting to discover filming locations.
  • Social Media: Additionally, 12% are influenced by social media.