New ‘Jobmatch’ App to Link Greek Tourism Businesses with Jobseekers

New digital app ‘Jobmatch’ aims to help Greece’s tourism and hospitality sector fill hundreds of empty posts ahead of the tourism season.

Greece’s Public Employment Service (DYPA) announced this week that it would be launching an online platform connecting jobseekers with tourism enterprises looking for employees.

Dubbed “Jobmatch”, the new platform aims to help the tourism sector fill hundreds of empty posts ahead of the tourism season. According to estimates, the sector is currently faced with over 50,000 unfilled jobs this year.

DYPA Governor Spiros Protopsaltis said the new job search site concerns the tourism, hospitality and F&B sectors, which are facing severe staff shortages.

Interested parties (employers and jobseekers) can download the Jobmatch app for iOS or Android, set up their profiles, and provide relevant information concerning job posts (location, type of job, wages) or skills and qualifications (candidates).

The app will then generate the best related results. Users will be able from there to arrange job interviews in person or via video call.

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