National Bank of Greece: Greek Tourism Set to Break Record in 2024

Analysts at the National Bank of Greece (NGB) estimate that in 2024 Greek tourism could achieve new records, with arrivals reaching 35 million tourists

Greek tourism is set to break the record of arrivals in 2024, according to a survey by the National Bank of Greece (NBG), which projects the number of visitors will exceed 35 million.

Analysts at the National Bank of Greece (NGB) estimate that in 2024 the sector could achieve new records, with arrivals reaching 35 million tourists (+7% compared to 2023) and improved revenue per tourist, resulting in earnings of around 22 billion euros (+10% compared to 2023) and achieve an increased share in the Mediterranean market.

As the survey reveals all the leading indicators signify a positive outlook for Greek tourism, the nations leading economic sector after a dynamic start in 2024 with an annual increase of 24%.

The index of future demand for Greek hotels is at historically high levels, the abalysis suggests, with optimism reflected in record net hirings for the period from February to April (+98 thousand compared to +90 thousand in 2023).

NBG: Greek Tourism Suffers from Hotel Staff Shortage

On the downside, supply of specialized and highly-trained hotel staff for the summer period is low for large hotels and smaller accommodations while demand is rising in light of the expected rise in arrivals.

The data stresses that the hotel sector continues to face staffing issues, with 80% of the industry reporting a number of vacancies equal to or greater than in 2023.

The findings presented in the National Bank of Greece (NBG) survey showed that international air traffic compared to 2023 figures recorded a notable uptick:

  • An increase in spring arrivals (around 20%), fostering expectations for reduced seasonality,
  • An increase in scheduled seats for the June-October period (+8%), and
  • Strong demand from independent tourists (+14% in bookings so far).

The survey stresses that Greek hotels seem to be in agreemnet with the NBG’s assessments, largely recognizing the current sustainability challenges and appear to be aware of the immediate risks posed by climate change and the consistently high seasonality of the increasing volume of tourists.

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