Hellenic Chamber of Hotels Prez. Expresses Concerns Over ‘Greek Music Quota’ Provision

The President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels stated that the proposed provisions not only failed to address the issue but were a setback and imposed additional burdens on hotel businesses.

The President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Alexandros Vassilikos met with Greek Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni and conveyed the concern of the Chamber’s members and tourism companies regarding a proposed law by the Ministry of Culture that would compel hoteliers to include a Greek music quota in hotel common areas.

Vasilikos, stressing the Chamber’s role as a legal advisor to the state on tourism matters, called on Minister Kefalogianni to intervene for the withdrawal of the relevant provisions.

The President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels stated that the proposed provisions not only failed to address the issue but were a setback and imposed additional burdens on hotel businesses.

He was critical of the state’s direct intervention in entrepreneurial freedom, creating unacceptable distortions in the market and imposing regulatory rules incompatible with a modern, liberal European state that respects the right to free choice and expression.

On her part, Minister Kefalogianni assured him the government was committed to supporting Greek tourism and its contribution to the economy and society. Any legislative interventions, she stressed, should result from dialogue and be governed by modern and pioneering European governance that respects the liberal functioning of the market.

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