Greek Hoteliers: Optimistic Over Tourism Trajectory This Season

Similar assessments were made by the new president of the Hellenic Hotel Federation, Yiannis Hatzis, who, forecast that 2024 will be a very good year.

Hotel sector executives this week forecast that “All indicators are positive,” speaking during a press conference on the sidelines of the “Resort & Residential Hospitality Forum (R&R)”. The forum is set to take place in Athens over the next three years, in collaboration with Enterprise Greece, the Greek National Tourism Organization (EOT) and the Hotel Chamber of Greece.

The president of the Hotel Chamber of Greece, Alexandros Vassilikos, on Wednesday said that despite ongoing conflicts and increased inflation, consumer interest in travel remains high. “The current indicators, be it airplane slots or reservations, are all trending upward,” he said. This could suggest an underestimation of ‘revenge tourism’ post-pandemic or a shift in consumer priorities, possibly indicating a preference to allocate disposable income to travel over other expenses.

Similar assessments were made by the new president of the Hellenic Hotel Federation, Yiannis Hatzis, who estimated that 2024 would be a very good year.

The hosting of the noted international event “Resort & Residential Hospitality Forum (R&R)” in Athens for the next three years will also contribute to strengthening the sector’s outward orientation, as the previous event was held in Portugal until 2023. The “Resort & Residential Hospitality Forum (R&R)” serves as a unique networking platform for all stakeholders in the hospitality sector.

Marinos Giannopoulos, the CEO of Enterprise Greece, welcomed the selection of Greece as the host country for the Resort & Residential Forum in Athens the coming October, stating “This international conference is a hallmark for attracting tourism investments, and we are proud that, following intensive efforts by Enterprise Greece, we succeeded in being chosen as the organizers. This not only enhances Greece’s image as a global tourist destination but also positions us as a tourism market with exceptional investment opportunities.”

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