Andros, part of the Cycladic islands in the Aegean Sea, is highlighted by The Times as one of the top six destinations recommended for British travelers before and after summer for their Greek holidays.

The article mentions that “unlike most of its Cycladic neighbors, Andros is exceptionally green, incredibly diverse, and ‘ignores’ mass tourism offering serene beaches and mountainous trails even in peak season.

The island’s capital Chora stands out in the Aegean with its grand mansions, museums, and public buildings, embodying the maritime heritage of the 19th century. Local farmers warmly greet visitors with fresh goat cheese and fruits, while wetlands and forests flourish with wildlife and freshwater sources. Andros Routes provides extensive hiking opportunities across the island.

Meanwhile, in a comprehensive new feature, critiques the “overhyped popular destinations in the Cyclades” and recommends Andros as a hidden gem in the Aegean.

The site highlights its clear waters, well-preserved trails, quality dining, and year-round appeal without overwhelming tourist crowds, making the island the perfect spot for those seeking to enjoy their Greek holidays far from the usual overtouristed areas.

Recently, Andros has been promoted beyond the usual tourist season through media campaigns and partnerships by the Municipality and Tourism Committee, aiming to prolong its appeal to visitors.