With no immediate relief in sight, Greek coffee lovers may have to brace for even higher prices in the months ahead.
The price of Freddo espresso is estimated to reach 4.10 euros or 4.70 euros.
This change, returning the VAT on served coffee, tea, cocoa, and other beverages to 24% after a pandemic-induced reduction to 13%, translates to an 11% increase in prices.
Reduced VAT rate of 13%, from the maximum 24%, aims to support efforts to stem skyrocketing cost-of-living
Coffee prices are set to increase up to 20% in the near future, while chocolate prices will jump 30%
Figure out the right amount of caffeine to boost alertness without disrupting your sleep
Describing the Espresso Freddo, the global food/beverage ranking site explains it is a simple coffee combining espresso and ice, with this “Greek version primarily blending the two ingredients until the coffee is slightly chilled, smooth, and creamy”
Apart from its rich, earthy flavor, scientists are increasingly exploring the potential health benefits of the beverage
For Greeks, Coffee is a Daily Delight, with Statistics from Pricefox Revealing an Average Consumption of 3 Kilograms per Capita Annually.