The messages Alter Ego Media’s successful IPO sends out to the market - What brokers told OT about the undertaking of its founder and main shareholder, Vangelis Marinakis
The first media sector IPO in 20 years and the investment program that will turn Alter Ego Media into a Media Tech Group - The message from Vangelis Marinakis
'The success of the Public Offer and the broad participation of the investing public is both a vindication of, and a vote of confidence in, our vision,' expressed Marinakis.
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF «ALTER EGO MEDIA S.A.» (the “Company”) EXTENDS ITS GRATIDUDE to the investors for their response to the recent public offering in the context of its share capital increase and for the listing of the Company’s ordinary, registered, voting shares on the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange (“ATHEX”). In addition, […]
Announcement on the outcome of the public offering of the new ordinary, registered, voting shares of "ALTER EGO MEDIA S.A."
Announcement to investors regarding the offering price of new, ordinary, registered, voting shares of 'Alter Ego Media S.A.'
The board of directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC) on Tuesday (Jan. 14, 2025) approved the content of the prospectus of the company “ALTER EGO MEDIA S.A.” An official announcement by the HCMC board, as emanating from its 1,044st session, stated that the approved Alter Ego Media S.A. prospectus is “for the public […]
The chilling documentary on the tragic Tempi railway disaster, called 'Mamaerxomai', will air on Netflix in Greece and Cyprus on September 10. Produced by Alter Ego Media, it is the first Greek documentary to make it to Netflix, says MEGA TV.
According to Mr. Vrentzos: "the goal of the conference is to demonstrate how feasible it is to transform Eastern Macedonia and Thrace into an energy hub"
Commercial trademarks for 'Eleftherotypia', which means freedom of the press in Greek, was recently purchased by Alter Ego Media
The acquisition is poised to infuse new energy into the Eleftherotypia brand, potentially re-imagining its role in the Greek media landscape amidst evolving digital media challenges
The profile of the Group's new General Director of Strategy, Technology and Development