Parks and forests throughout the Attica Region, including the greater Athens-Piraeus area, will remain closed today, June 21, following directives from civil defense authorities amidst heightened wildfire risks in Greece.

According to a statement from the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, Friday, June 21, 2024, poses a significant wildfire threat in various parts of Attica.

As a preventive measure for the fire season, authorities have enforced restrictions on vehicular traffic and visits by hikers and excursionists to national parks, forests, and vulnerable zones during identified hazardous periods, taking into consideration each area’s unique characteristics.

The risk level in the broader region stands at level 5 alarm. The anticipated incidence of wildfires is expected to be substantial, with potential for rapid escalation and severe fire behavior immediately post-ignition. Authorities anticipate significant challenges in containment until conditions conducive to fire suppression improve.

Residents and professionals are strongly advised to exercise caution and refrain from activities in rural areas that could negligently spark wildfires, such as discarding lit cigarettes, burning dry vegetation or debris from cleaning, or using equipment that generates sparks.

Additionally, it is emphasized that field burning is strictly prohibited during the fire season in an effort to minimize the wildfire risks in Greece.