Weather in Greece: May 31

The temperatures in Greece will start to climb from today

On Friday, thin clouds will develop in the northern and central parts of the country, which will occasionally turn to thick clouds and chance showers in the mountainous areas of the country.

In the rest of the regions the weather will be sunny and temperatures will being to climb up to the levels of the upcoming heat wave forecast for Greece.

The temperature will range between 28-30 degrees Celsius in the western mainland and the Ionian Islands, between 28-30 degrees in the north and at 27-30 degrees Celsius in the island regions of the Aegean.

In Attica, long periods of sunshine are predicted, which will be accompanied by short periods of thin clouds and temperatures in the range of 17-29 degrees Celsius.

In Thessaloniki, there will be local clouds mainly around midday and during the afternoon hours in the surrounding mountainous areas. The temperature will fall between 17-28 degrees Celsius.

Source: MEGA Tv

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