Weather in Greece: May 20

Greece will be hot and dusty again today

The weather in Greece today, May 20, will again be hot and dusty, as the African dust that settled on the country late last week still hovers in the atmosphere.

The African dust is expected to dissipate by Thursday, clearing skies and returning temperatures to normal levels after several days of weather conditions which can only be characterized as asphyxiating.

The blanket of dust has resulted in unseasonably high temperatures, 6-8 degrees Celsius greater than normal, reaching as high as 37 degrees in some parts of Crete.

Today the day may start off clear, but clouds will gather in the west and local rains and storms may occur in mountainous regions.

Temperatures will be higher in the west and south, coming in at around 35 degrees Celsius with north winds in the Aegean ranging between 3-5 Beaufort and as high as 6 Beaufort in the Ionian.

The temperature in Athens is expected to range between 31-32 degrees Celsius and in Thessaloniki between 30-32 degrees Celsius.

Always come prepared with To Vima’s Weather in Greece

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