Weather in Greece: March 21

The weather in Greece will include clear skies and higher temperatures throughout most of the country

After a fairly rainy week and cooler temperatures, the clouds will finally part across most of the country, with the weather in Greece expecting sunny skies and higher temperatures.

The west and northern parts of the country may have a thin cloud cover and Macedonia and Thrace will likely see a sprinkling today, but it is the exception rather than the rule today.

Temperatures will range between 15 – 17 degrees Celsius in the north and up to 17 – 18 degrees Celsius in the west, central and southern mainland.

The Aegean region will have a wider range of temperatures around high noon, with cooler temperatures in the north (14 degrees) and 18 degrees in the south, in Crete, Rhodes and Kastelorizo.

Depending on where you are based, winds will range anywhere between 3-7 Beaufort.  The Dodecanese will be on the stronger side, while the Ionian Sea on the lighter side, both coming in from the north west. As the day goes on winds will change in different areas and will blow mostly from the west.

A closer look at the weather in Greece today:

Attica will have clear and sunny skies, with warm temperatures (8-18 degrees) and a gentle breeze between 3 – 4 Beaufort.

Thessaloniki will also have sunshine, and maybe a few clouds, with temperatures between 7 – 17 degrees Celsius and gentle northerly and north-west winds.

The bout of good weather will not stay long, however, as meteorologists warn of rain and high temperatures during the coming long weekend.

Always come prepared with To Vima’s Weather in Greece

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