Weather in Greece: March 14

Most of Greece will be cloudy or rainy, although Athens and Thessaloniki will start the day with clear skies

The Aegean islands will be moderately rainy, with isolated thunderstorms at noon, with a gradual improvement until the evening.

Thin clouds are forecast for the rest of the mainland, which will become thicker towards noon and turn into local showers and thunderstorms, especially in mountainous regions.

Comparatively more rain is forecast for the northern and eastern parts of the mainland, while rain will be a bit more scattered in western Greece.

Overall, there will be an easing off of inclement conditions throughout most of Greece towards the evening.

The temperature at noon will be 17 degrees Celsius in the west and north and up to 18 degrees Celsius in the rest of the mainland and the Aegean islands. Of course, one should expect lower temperatures in the mountains.

Winds will blow moderately from the northwest ranging between 3-5 Beaufort.

Attica will start off its day fairly sunny, clouds will creep in and turn to showers around noontime.  Like most of Greece the weather will improve in the evening. The temperature will range from 10-18 degrees Celsius, while the winds will blow northwest 3-4 Beaufort, and occasionally turn to southerlies in the evening.

In Thessaloniki, sunshine is expected, with clouds at noon,which will turn into local showers and isolated thunderstorms. The temperature will range from 8-17 degrees, with winds from the northwest between 3-5 Beaufort.

Always come prepared with To Vima’s Weather in Greece

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