Weather in Greece: June 17

Greece will be mostly sunny and warm today, with the exception of chance rain showers in the mountainous areas of central and northern Greece

The weather will be clear and warm today in most of Greece, with winds that could be on the strong side in some regions.

The exception to the above are most of the mountainous parts of central and northern Greece, where clouds and some gentle rains are expected.

The temperature will reach 36 degrees Celsius and the winds will blow from the northwest between 2 – 6 Beaufort.

Clear weather is expected in Attica, with temperatures ranging from 22 to 36 degrees and winds of 2 to 4 Beaufort.

The weather will be similar in Thessaloniki, with the temperatures between 21 – 31 degrees and the winds from 2 – 3 Beaufort.

Source: MEGA Tv

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