The weather in Greece today is expected to be cooler than the previous days, a relief after the unbearable heat wave brought temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius in some part of the country on Wednesday and Thursday.

A light breeze during the morning hours has already made conditions much more normal.

However, apart from the drop in temperature, thunderstorms are also expected to make their appearance early today, specifically in eastern Macedonia and Thrace, but will lighten up from the afternoon onwards.

In the rest of the country, dense cloud will hover over most areas until the afternoon, while local showers will occur in the morning in the Ionian Islands, western mainland Greece, southern Peloponnese, the mountainous areas of Thessaly, and other parts of Macedonia.

Despite the overall drop in temperature, daily highs will remain high in the south, reaching 38 degrees Celsius in the eastern mainland and the Peloponnese, and 40-41 degrees in Rhodes and Crete.

Nevertheless, temperatures are not expected to surpass 33 degrees Celsius in the west, 34 degrees in the north, and 36 degrees Celsius in Thessaly.

Attica will be cloudy throughout the day, but will clear up sometime in the afternoon. Temperatures will range from 29-38 degrees Celsius, with west and north winds blowing at 4-6 points on the Beaufort scale.

A similar forecast goes for Thessaloniki, with increased cloudiness and local showers expected in the surrounding mountains by midday. Temperatures will range from 24-32 degrees Celsius, with north winds blowing at 4-6 Beaufort.

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