Greece will be sunny and hot today, with a few scattered clouds are expected in central, mainland Greece, and the Ionian Islands.

The temperature will range from 38-39°C in the west, mainland Greece, and the Ionian Islands, 34-36°C in the north of the country, 36-38°C and in the eastern mainland regions.

Meanwhile in the Aegean islands, the temperature will range from 32-38°C.

Winds will be northwesterly in the Ionian Sea at 4-5 Beaufort, as well as in the Aegean Sea, where they will reach up to 8 Beaufort locally.

Weather in Attica & Thessaloniki
In Attica, sunshine is expected throughout the day. The temperature will range from 26 to 36°C, while the winds will be northeasterly at 4-6 Beaufort in the surrounding sea area.

Meanwhile temperatures in Thessaloniki will be tad cooler between 25-35°C and winds will be northerly, changing to a northwest between 3-4 Beaufort.

Source: MEGA TV

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