Greece will continue to ease off of the heatwave it went through for over two weeks with cooler temperatures expected today and more rain in many areas.

Specifically, on Tuesday around noontime, showers, rain, and thunderstorms are expected in the interior of the Peloponnese, Central Greece, Northern Evia, Thessaly, Epirus, and Macedonia.

In the rest of the country, the weather will be better and mostly sunny.

Temperatures will range between 36-37 degrees Celsius in the western mainland and the Ionian Islands, 34-35 degrees in the north, 36-37 degrees in the eastern mainland areas, while in the Aegean islands, the temperature will range from 30-35 degrees Celsius.

Winds will blow from the north in the Ionian at 4-5 Beaufort, as well as in the Aegean where they will reach up to 7 Beaufort.

Attica & Thessaloniki
In Attica, some rain will occur in the northern suburbs from noon. The temperature will range from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius, while winds will blow up to 4-5 Beaufort in the Saronic Gulf, and 5-6 in the southern Evia.

In Thessaloniki, showers and rain are expected from the afternoon. The temperature will range from 24 to 33 degrees Celsius, while winds will blow from the south up to 3-4 Beaufort in the Thermaic Gulf.

Source: MEGA TV

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