Weather in Greece: April 30

Today clouds will roll in across most of Greece from midday onwards, turning into local showers in some areas, with only the Dodecanese remaining sunny throughout the day

Today, most of Greece will be cloudy by midday, especially in the region of Thrace, the Ionian islands, the mainland, the northern Aegean, Evia, the Cyclades and Crete. Only the Dodecanese islands will be spared the bad weather and will be sunny throughout the day.

If you are in the northern parts of Greece and particularly in the region of Macedonia, pack your umbrella because local showers are forecast from the late afternoon onwards.

The western part of Greece will be the warmest with temperatures hitting as high as 28 degrees Celsius, while northern Greece, and the eastern and southern Aegean will reach 26 degrees Celsius.

Northern Greece, Thrace, the Cyclades Islands and northern Crete will be cooler with highs of 20 degrees. The eastern parts of the mainland will have temperatures ranging between 23-24 degrees Celsius.

The Aegean will have strong winds ranging between 7-8 Beaufort and the Ionian will start off with easterly winds of 3-5 Beaufort that will shift to the northwest.

Attica will start off with some clouds that will thicken by noontime and cooler temperatures than in the past few days, ranging between 14-23 degrees Celsius. Northerlies will remain a strong 6-7 Beaufort throughout the day.

The weather is similar in Thessaloniki, with thin clouds until midday and intermittently denser clouds afterwards. Some local showers are expected. The temperature will range from 14-26 degrees Celsius and the north winds will turn to the south, between 2-4 Beaufort.

Always come prepared with To Vima’s Weather in Greece

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