U.S. Ambassador George Tsunis Celebrates B’Day with Visit to Archbishop Ieronymos

Amb. Tsunis also spent the Christmas break in his ancestral village of Platanos, Aitoloakarnania prefecture, in western Greece.

The U.S. Ambassador to Athens, George Tsunis, marked his birthday on Dec. 26 with a visit to Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos II, in the company of his mother, Mrs. Eleni Tsunis.

The head of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Greece warmly welcomed Tsunis, taking the opportunity to extend his heartfelt greetings for the latter’s birthday.

Archbishop Ieronymos later provided a guided tour of the Church of Greece’s Agios Porphyrios Gerontology Center in the coastal Dilesi township, located due north of Athens in Viotia (Boeotia) prefecture. This center, founded during Archbishop Ieronymos’ tenure, provides care for the elderly.

The meeting concluded with a reception hosted by His Beatitude in honor of Amb. Tsunis and his mother.

It’s worth noting that Amb. Tsunis spent the Christmas break in his ancestral village of Platanos, located in the Aitoloakarnania prefecture of western Greece.

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