Traffic Regulations in Athens and Piraeus Due to Epiphany Celebrations

These measures are implemented to facilitate the smooth conduct of Epiphany celebrations in these areas

Traffic Regulations in Athens and Piraeus Due to Epiphany Celebrations

Athens and Piraeus are set to undergo special traffic regulations on Saturday, January 6th, owing to scheduled events commemorating Epiphany at the Church of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite and the Municipality of Athens’ Reservoir, as well as at the port of Piraeus.

The specific regulations entail the following:
-Church of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite and Municipality of Athens’ Reservoir, Municipality of Athens
Suspension of vehicle circulation and prohibition of parking and stopping from 06:00 to 13:00 at the following locations:

Skoufa, between Homerou Street and Plateia Filikis Etaireias.
Dimokritou, between Solonos and Skoufa streets.
Lycavettus, along its entire length.
Glykonos, at the height of the Reservoir.
Phokylidou, between Glykonos and Pindarou streets.
Plateia Filikis Etaireias, between Tsakalof and Skoufa streets.
Herodotou, between Patriarchou Ioakeim and Plateia Dexamenis.
Irakleitou, between Plateia Dexamenis and Skoufa street.
Patriarchou Ioakeim, between Tsakalof and Herodotou streets.

-Central Port of Piraeus, Municipality of Piraeus

Suspension of vehicle circulation from 09:00 to 13:00, with a prohibition on parking and stopping from 06:00 to 13:00 at the following locations:
Vas. Georgiou, between Ir. Polytechneiou and Ethn. Antistaseos streets.
Akti Miaouli, between Vas. Georgiou and 2nd Merarchias streets, in both traffic lanes.
Ethn. Antistaseos, between Vas. Georgiou and Tsamadou streets.
Akti Poseidonos, between Aristeidou and Akti Miaouli streets.

These measures are implemented to facilitate the smooth conduct of Epiphany celebrations in these areas. Residents and commuters are advised to plan their routes accordingly, considering these temporary traffic adjustments.

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