Today in History: March 2nd

On this day in 1956, Morocco declares its independence

The North African country, which is situated directly across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain, was a protectorate of France and Spain from 1912. In 1956, the sultan Muhammad V formed its first government and proclaimed independence from France. Spain granted the country its independence on April 7th the same year.
Other notable events on March 2nd:
  • In 1969, the Concorde takes off on its maiden flight. Shortly after Air France Flight 4590 crashed in 2000, the airliner was retired.

  • In 1959, Miles Davis records “Kind of Blue” one of the best-selling jazz albums in history.

  • In 1498, on their first voyage to India, Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama and his fleet reached the Island of Mozambique.
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