Today in History: January 25th

On this day in 1919, a commission on the League of Nations is established

Shortly after its foundation on January 10th during the Paris Peace Conference, peace delegates decided to establish the commission to deal with post-war and international peace issues. The commission originally comprised of two representatives from each of the Big Five states – the US, Britain, Italy, Japan and France – with US President Woodrow Wilson chairing the commission, but representatives from smaller states began entering soon after. The League faced serious issues throughout the years between the two world wars, ultimately disbanding in April 1946, with the United Nations taking over.

Other notable events on January 25th:

In 1961, the Disney animation film One Hundred and One Dalmatians is released in the United States, quickly becoming a huge success.

In 1949, the first Emmy Awards are presented, containing six categories, and only shows airing in the Los Angeles area could be nominated.

In 1947, the first arcade game, the “Cathode ray tube amusement device,” is patented.

In 1924, the first Winter Olympics take place in Chamonix, France.

The official opening of the League of Nations . By A. Frankl / Fridtjof Nansen image archive.

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