Both rovers found evidence of past water, while Opportunity discovered a series of rocks appearing laid down at the shoreline of an ancient northern ocean.
Opportunity continued to explore the surface until June 10, 2018, when a planetwide dust storm covered Mars and the rover. Up to its demise, it had covered 45 km over 14 years, breaking records for both distance driven and mission time spent on another planet.
In 1984, the Apple Macintosh 128K personal computer goes on sale.
In, 1946 the United Nations General Assembly passes its first resolution to establish “a Commission to Deal with the Problems Raised by the Discovery of Atomic Energy.”
In 1848, the California Gold Rush begins, with a total of 300,000 people traveling to California in search of treasure.
In 1835, the Great Revolt (aka the Malê Revolt) takes place in Brazil, where slaves rebel against the Brazilian government in effort to end slavery.