Taxis in Greece Must Clearly Display Credit Card Payment Option

Taxi services providers who do not accept credit card payments and fail to display a relevant sticker will face a 1,000-euro fine.

Taxi services providers will be required to equip their vehicles with POS (point-of-sale terminals) machines and indicate this clearly with a sticker on the rear right door window, announced the Greek Economy and Finance Ministry this week.

More specifically, the sticker will indicate in Greek and English that users will be able to pay by credit card.

The decision, announced by Deputy Finance Minister Christos Dimas, follows the recommendation of Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) Governor Giorgos Pitsilis and is a government attempt to crack down on tax evasion.

The new requirement, which also applies to open-air “laiki” markets, aims to inform consumers of their rights.

The taxi sticker informs users that the driver is obliged to issue a receipt at the end of the route and to accept payment by card. It goes on to note that customers are not obliged to pay in cash or to pay before receiving a legal receipt.

Taxi services providers can find the stickers at the Panhellenic Taxi Federation, which is also responsible for ensuring adherence. Failure to display the label carries a 1,000-euro fine.

The finance ministry has said that it will be extending the requirement to other services in the coming period.

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