Mostly clear weather is forecast for Greece on Friday, with temperatures gradually rising after dipping dramatically the past week. Winds in the west and north will be variable at 2 to 4 Beaufort, while in the east and south of the country they will blow from the north at 4 to 6 Beaufort, reaching 7 Beaufort in parts of the southeastern Aegean.
Frost is expected early in the morning in northern mainland regions, according to the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (EMY), but temperatures will rise, reaching 16–17°C in most areas.
Macedonia, Thrace
- Weather: Mostly clear
- Winds: Variable 2–3 Beaufort; in Thrace, northeasterly up to 4 Beaufort until midday
- Temperature: From -3°C to 16°C
Ionian Islands, Epirus, Western Central Greece, Western Peloponnese
- Weather: Generally clear; morning visibility will be locally limited
- Winds: Northwest 3–4 Beaufort, becoming variable 2–3 Beaufort from the afternoon
- Temperature: From 4°C to 17°C; 3–4°C lower in inland Epirus
Eastern Central Greece, Euboea, Eastern Peloponnese
- Weather: Generally clear
- Winds: North-northeasterly 3–4 Beaufort, up to 5 at sea, weakening gradually after midday
- Temperature: From 3°C to 16–17°C
Cyclades, Crete
- Weather: Few clouds, temporarily increased over Crete until midday
- Winds: Northerly 5–6 Beaufort, up to 7 in the east, easing from the afternoon
- Temperature: From 7°C to 16°C, reaching 18°C in southern Crete
Eastern Aegean Islands – Dodecanese
- Weather: Mostly clear with a few clouds over the eastern Aegean islands
- Winds: From the north at 5–6 Beaufort, up to 7 in the south
- Temperature: From 7°C to 15°C, locally up to 17°C in the Dodecanese
- Weather: Generally clear
- Winds: Variable 2–3 Beaufort, up to 4 from the east over the Sporades
- Temperature: From 0°C to 17–18°C
Attica (Athens region)
- Weather: Generally clear
- Winds: Northerly 3–4 Beaufort, reaching 5 in the east until midday
- Temperature: From 3°C to 17°C
- Weather: Generally clear
- Winds: Variable 2–3 Beaufort, becoming southerly up to 4 from midday
- Temperature: From 4°C to 15°C
Saturday Forecast
In the west, central, and northern parts of the country, thin cloud cover will be locally thicker. The rest of the country will remain mostly clear. Morning visibility will be locally limited in the west.
Winds will be northwesterly 3–5 Beaufort in the eastern Aegean; elsewhere initially variable 2–4 Beaufort, turning southerly by the afternoon with the same intensity.
Temperatures will rise slightly, especially in the west, reaching 17–18°C there and 16–17°C elsewhere. In southern Crete and the Dodecanese, temperatures may reach 18°C.
Sunday Forecast
In the west, central, and northern regions, clouds will increase intermittently, with local showers mainly in the west and north. The rest of the country will remain mostly clear with high clouds thickening from the afternoon.
Winds will blow from the south at 3–5 Beaufort, gradually reaching 6 and up to 7 Beaufort in the Ionian by the afternoon. Temperatures will continue to rise slightly.