Another Protest Against Non-State Uni Draft Bill Expected to Disrupt Traffic

The affected areas include key thoroughfares adjacent to criss-crossing Syntagma Square, which lies across from Parliament in central Athens

Educators, student associations and school groups, along with other organizations and self-styled collectives, will take to the streets once again today to demonstrate in downtown Athens at noontime against a government draft bill which provides for the recognition of non-state, non-profit universities operating in Greece.

Anticipating the mobilization’s impact on traffic flow, police have announced the imposition of emergency traffic measures, namely, temporary road closures to stave off potential congestion.

The affected areas include key thoroughfares adjacent to criss-crossing Syntagma Square, which lies across from Parliament in central Athens.

In light of the anticipated disruptions, police authorities advised commuters to steer clear of the city center until the conclusion of the protests. This advisory aims to ensure public safety and prevent traffic jams during the ongoing demonstrations.

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