Sorbonne Paris Nord University Set to Open NFPO University in Greece

The Sorbonne University – Université Sorbonne Paris Nord is one of the thirteen autonomous universities that succeeded the historic University of Paris, widely known as the Sorbonne

Sorbonne Paris Nord University Set to Open NFPO University in Greece

Sorbonne Paris Nord, the prestigious French state-funded university, is set to submit an official request to the Greek Education Ministry on Friday, February 14th, to operate a not-for-profit branch in Greece taking advantage of a relevant law, recently passed by the Greek parliament for the establishment of non-profit tertiary institutions.

Olivier Oudar, Vice President of the celebrated tertiary institution, and Professor Anne Fauchon, Dean of the School of Political and Social Studies, will travel to Greece, accompanied by Nicolas Eybalin, Cultural Attaché of the French Embassy and Director of the French Institute of Greece.

The Sorbonne University – Université Sorbonne Paris Nord is one of the thirteen autonomous universities that succeeded the historic University of Paris, widely known as the Sorbonne.

The Parisian University is a public French tertiary institution and one of the country’s leading academic and research organizations. It operates a university hospital as part of its Medical School and has campuses in five locations: Villetaneuse, Bobigny, Saint-Denis, La Plaine Saint-Denis, and Argenteuil.

It is a founding member of Campus Condorcet, one of the world’s top research centers in the humanities and social sciences, and is part of the Sorbonne Paris-Cité University alliance alongside Université Paris-Cité.

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