Shocking Attack of Volunteers on Parnitha Under Investigation

Two volunteers, who were part of a trash clean-up on Parnitha mountain in the outskirts of Athens, were attacked and even stabbed in a shocking act of random violence over the weekend

In a shocking act of random violence, which is currently under investigation by the Greek police, two volunteers who were participating in a trash clean-upon on Parnitha mountain, were attacked and even stabbed over the weekend by a group of unknown assailants.

The two victims are aged 33 and 32 and were participating in a forest cleanup in what appears to have been a citizens’ action activity of “” and spent the night in an abandoned building, on Parnitha mountain, when some young adults came upon them and questioned their presence at around 1:30 in the morning on Saturday.

According to reports at MEGA tv, the young adults asked the two volunteers if they were anarchists and which soccer team they supported.

The victims responded that they were not anarchists and that they don’t follow soccer, but were participating in a clean-up. The group of young adults, who said they were from Menidi, which is a working-class suburb northwest of Athens, departed.

A short while later, two cars carrying a total of seven young adults showed up to the place where the victims were camping and began attacking the volunteers.

The 33-year-old escaped to find help from the other two members of the clean-up who were sleeping approximately in another area nearby and returned to find the 32-year-old with stab wounds.

Both victims were taken to the hospital and are now out of danger. According to reports at MEGA TV, the victims said the young assailants were clearly out “looking for a fight.”

The Greek police are still looking for the attackers.

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