Shady Group Claims Responsibility for Botched Bomb Attack Against Riot Police HQ

The name signed on the text refers to an outfit called “Armed Proletarian Justice”

A hitherto unknown group or author on Sunday claimed responsibility for a botched bomb attack outside the riot police headquarters in east Athens last week, with a menacing text posted on a self-styled anti-state website.

The name signed on the text refers to an outfit called “Armed Proletarian Justice”.

“This time you were lucky, that won’t happen next time,” the lengthy “proclamation reads, adding that the terror attempt was dedicaed to “… to all those murdered, tortured, beaten, raped by Greek police.”

The language and notions expressed in the text are extreme left-wing to violently anarchist.

The unknown author or authors also claimed that two warning calls were made to “safely keep citizens” away from the site where a bomb was planted and set to detonate.

An explosive device comprised of two attached plastic containers with dynamite gel and C4 inside, connected to two detonators not only failed to explode but was recovered intact by authorities.

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