Pew: Greeks Most Culturally Chauvinistic Europeans

Eastern Europeans appear to be the most nationslistic

Whether it’s a Greek sitting in a café basking in his ancestors’ glorious past, an Englishman waxing nostalgic about the empire, or a Spaniard boasting about his nation’s renowned navigating prowess in the Middle Ages, a strong sense of national pride permeates many corners of the European continent. This raises the question: which European countries exhibit the highest levels of cultural arrogance?

Throughout Europe, certain nationalities have gained notoriety for their unabashed patriotism and cultural chauvinism, with Greeks exhibiting the pinnacle of superiority of their culture over others in Europe, as a staggering 89 percent believe the Greek culture is better than others in Europe, according to a Pew Research survey.

The comprehensive survey conducted by the Pew Research Center polled 56,000 adults across Europe. Participants were asked to indicate their agreement with the statement: “Our people may not be perfect, but our culture is superior to others.” The results yielded fascinating findings showcasing the varying degrees of cultural superiority complex across different nations.

In Portugal, a significant 47 percent of respondents concurred with the statement, compared to a mere 20 percent in neighboring Spain. However, the epicenter of cultural chauvinism appears to be situated in Eastern Europe. Romania, Bulgaria, and Russia emerged as the frontrunners in this regard, with staggering percentages of 66, 69, and 69 respectively.

The findings shed light on the diverse manifestations of cultural pride and chauvinism across the European landscape, revealing intriguing insights into the psyche of its inhabitants.

There is a fine line between a people maintaining a connection to their national and cultural heritage while feeling pride about their past and crossing over to chauvinism or even nationalism.

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