A closer look at key historic events that took place on September 21:

In 2013, the Westgate Shopping Mall Attack Takes Place
A group of al-Shabaab militants attacked the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, on September 21 resulting in a four-day siege. The attack left 67 people dead and many more injured, drawing global condemnation and highlighting the threat of terrorism in the region.

In 2001, the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 14.3%
In the week following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its largest weekly loss since the Great Depression. The economic turmoil reflected the shock and uncertainty caused by the attacks.

In 1981, Belize Gains Independence
Belize, formerly known as British Honduras, gained independence from the United Kingdom. The Central American nation became a member of the Commonwealth with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.

In 1972, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Imposes Martial Law
Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law, citing the need to combat rising civil unrest and the threat of communist insurgency. This marked the beginning of nearly a decade of authoritarian rule in the Philippines.

In 1840, William Henry Fox Talbot Develops the Calotype
While experimenting with gallic acid, the British inventor discovered that the acid can be used to develop a latent image on paper. This led to the development of the calotype, an early photographic process that allowed for the creation of multiple copies from a single negative. This innovation played a crucial role in the development of modern photography.

In 1823, Joseph Smith Has a Vision of Moroni
Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), reported having a vision of an angel named Moroni. According to Smith, Moroni revealed the location of golden plates, which would later be translated into the Book of Mormon, a foundational text of the LDS faith.