On this Day in History: June 4

Find out what significant events happened around the world today, June 4, in history

A closer look at key historic events that took place on June 4:

In 1970, the Kingdom of Tonga achieves independence

The Kingdom of Tonga achieved independence from British rule, after being a British protectorate since 1900. Tonga gained full sovereignty and became a constitutional monarchy with King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV as its king.

In 1940, the Dunkirk evacuation ends

Also known as Operation Dynamo, this massive evacuation effort, conducted by British naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats, successfully rescued over 300,000 Allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk, France, during World War II, allowing them to escape encirclement by German forces.

In 1937, the world’s first shopping carts are introduced

The world’s first shopping carts were introduced by Sylvan Goldman, a grocery store owner from Oklahoma City, USA. These early shopping carts resembled folding chairs with baskets attached and were designed to help customers carry more groceries while shopping.

In 1920, the Treaty of Trianon is signed

The Treaty of Trianon officially ended World War I between Hungary and the Allied Powers. The treaty resulted in significant territorial losses for Hungary, leading to the redrawing of borders in Central Europe.

In 1919,  the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to passed by the Senate

This amendment granted women the right to vote, ensuring their participation in the democratic process. It was passed by the Senate two weeks after it was approved by the House of Representatives and was ratified the following year.

In 1917, the first Pulitzer Prize is awarded

The Pulitzer Prizes were established by the will of newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer. The first prizes were awarded in several categories, including journalism, literature, and music.

In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers demonstrate the first hot air balloon

The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne, conducted the first public demonstration of their hot air balloon in Annonay, France. The balloon, made of paper and silk and fueled by burning straw and wool, successfully ascended to an altitude of about 1,500 feet and traveled more than a mile before landing safely.

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