A closer look at key historic events that took place on August 4:

In 2007, the U.S. space probe Phoenix is launched
NASA launched the Phoenix spacecraft on a mission to Mars on August 4. The probe’s primary goal was to study the Martian arctic’s soil and search for environments suitable for microbial life, as well as to study the history of water on Mars.

In 1944, Anne Frank is found by the Gestapo
Anne Frank and her family were discovered by the Gestapo in their hiding place in Amsterdam. The Frank family, along with others hiding with them, were arrested and deported to concentration camps, where Anne and most of her family perished.

In 1914, Great Britain enters World War I
Great Britain declared war on Germany, marking its entry into World War I. This decision followed Germany’s violation of Belgian neutrality, which Britain had guaranteed, and set the stage for a prolonged and devastating conflict involving many of the world’s great powers.

In 1790, Alexander Hamilton establishes the Revenue Marine Service
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, established the Revenue Marine Service, the forerunner to the United States Coast Guard. This service was created to enforce tariff and trade laws, prevent smuggling, and protect the nation’s maritime interests.

In 1704, Gibraltar is captured by Britain
During the War of the Spanish Succession, Anglo-Dutch forces captured Gibraltar from Spain on August 4. The strategic territory at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea was later ceded to Britain in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 and remains a British Overseas Territory.

In 1578, the Portuguese armies of King Sebastian invade Morocco
King Sebastian of Portugal led a military expedition into Morocco, culminating in the Battle of Alcácer Quibir. The battle ended in disaster for Portugal, with King Sebastian killed and the Portuguese forces defeated, leading to a period of political crisis and eventual Spanish rule over Portugal.