On this Day in History: April 8

Down the decades, on April 8 Japanese celebrate Buddha's birthday, Margaret Thatcher dies, AIDS national symbol Ryan White dies, the Twin Peaks premiers, the Seventeenth Amendment of the US constitution is ratified and  France and the UK sign the Entente cordiale

A closer look at key historic events that took place on April 8:
On this day the Japanese celebrate Buddha’s birthday
Buddha lived in India sometime between the 6th and the 4th century bce and founded Buddhism. There are numerous Buddhist temples and traditions throughout Japan, and Buddhist holidays and rituals are observed by many Japanese.

Monumental bronze statue of the Great Buddha in Kamakura, Japan.

In 2013, Margaret Thatcher dies
Margaret Thatcher was a British politician who was Europe’s first female prime minister. She was also the only UK PM in the 20th century to win three consecutive terms. She died at age 87.

Close up of the flag draped coffin w of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as it is carried down the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, Britain 17 April 2013 following the funeral service. EPA/KERIM OKTEN

In 1990, AIDS national symbol Ryan White dies
Ryan White was an American teenager who became a prominent figure in the 1980s due to his struggle with HIV/AIDS and the discrimination he faced as a result. He contracted HIV through a contaminated blood treatment for his hemophilia. Ryan and his family fought for his right to attend school, leading to national attention and a significant increase in awareness about HIV/AIDS. He died on April 8, 1990.

Ryan White on timeline at National AIDS Memorial Grove. Steve Rhodes

In 1990, the television series Twin Peaks premiers
“Twin Peaks” is a television series created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. Set in the small, quirky town of Twin Peaks, the show begins with the mysterious murder of high school student Laura Palmer. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in to investigate, uncovering a web of secrets and strange occurrences lurking beneath the town’s surface. Its unconventional narrative, surreal tone, and eerie characters earned it a spot on the cult classic list.

Twin Peaks poster

In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment of the US constitution is ratified 
The Seventeenth Amendment to the US Constitution established the direct election of Senators by popular vote. Prior to this amendment, Senators were chosen by state legislatures. It aimed to increase democracy in the election process and reduce corruption.

Resolution for the direct election of senators. 1912. Library of Congress

In 1904, France and the United Kingdom sign the Entente cordiale

The Entente Cordiale was a series of agreements aimed to resolve longstanding colonial disputes and foster closer diplomatic relations between France and the UK. While not a formal alliance, the it laid the groundwork for cooperation between the two nations during World War I and beyond.

Entente Cordiale celebrations, 1905. UK Parliament

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