The large wildfire that broke out in Corinth in the Peloponnese region on Thursday afternoon no longer has an active fire front, Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Vassilis Kikilias announced in a post on X.

A massive mobilization from the Fire Department and local authorities managed to largely contain the blaze come nightfall. Firefighters battled throughout the night to extinguish the scattered hotspots, while aircrafts rejoined the efforts by first light on Friday.

According to minister Kikilias, a total of 152 firefighters with 6 forest commando teams and 50 vehicles, 14 aircrafts and 8 helicopter were deployed on Thursday. Municipal water trucks and machinery, two army bulldozers and volunteers also provided assistance.

The fire burned through vineyards and raisin fields, but no residential area was threatened.

According to the Fire Risk Prediction Map, no strong winds are expected in the area on Friday. Nevertheless, a firefighters remain at the scene to deal with any rekindling.