NKUA Achieves Top Marks in National University Quality Certification

The certification process followed an extensive external evaluation, including an on-site review conducted by a five-member panel of external evaluators and experts appointed by HAHE.

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) has achieved top marks across all seven criteria for quality certification, granted by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education. This prestigious recognition highlights the institution’s commitment to excellence in educational, research, and administrative endeavors.

For the first time, the university received an “Excellent” rating in all quality assessment categories, which include:

Institutional Strategy, Policy, and Quality Objectives: The university’s strategic planning and implementation were highly praised.

Resource Allocation and Planning: This covers the planning and distribution of both material and human resources.

Quality Assurance Structure and Operations: Recognition was given to the structure, organization, and functioning of NKUA’s Quality Assurance Unit and its Internal Quality Assurance System.

Internal Evaluation Procedures for All Academic Programs: The institution effectively applies internal evaluation mechanisms across all its programs.

Data Collection and Analysis for Decision-Making: The university uses sophisticated tools and processes for gathering and analyzing quality data, crucial for decision-making that fosters change and improvement.

Transparency in Information Dissemination: The effectiveness of its communication channels, including websites and social media, was highly rated.

Implementation of Past Evaluation Insights: NKUA demonstrated meaningful integration of feedback from the previous external evaluation in November 2018, reflecting a commitment to continuous improvement.

The certification process followed an extensive external evaluation, including an on-site review conducted by a five-member panel of external evaluators and experts appointed by HAHE, during the last week of June.

This committee engaged with NKUA’s central administration, department chairs, faculty, student representatives, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral, directors of divisions and administrative services, university alumni, and social partners.

The evaluators also visited classrooms, research facilities, and other institutional infrastructures to assess both their quality and capacity.

This certification marks a significant milestone for NKUA, validating the outstanding work taking place at all levels of the institution.

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