Misdemeanor Charge Against 8 Passengers of Wildfire-implicated Yacht

Nevertheless, the entire party hosted aboard the mega-yacht at the time of the wildfire on Hydra has already departed for Kazakhstan

A Piraeus prosecutor on Thursday filed a charge of moral complicity against eight adults from Kazakhstan who were passengers aboard a mega-yacht anchored off a Hydra Island cove when a wildfire broke out on shore, destroying portion of the isle’s sole pine patch.

The entire 17-member party from the Central Asia country departed Greece once the pleasure craft, “Persefoni 1”, returned to the Athens area on Saturday, hours after the wildfire allegedly erupted from fireworks launched from the vessel. As the time of their departure the adult holiday-makers, described as very wealthy, had not even been summoned to provide testimony.

Felony arson charges were filed on Sunday against the skipper of the vessel and another 12 crew-members, all Greek nationals. The former and his first mate were ordered held in remand.

The scenario of fireworks shot from the vessel was cast into doubt on Thursday when media reports revealed that several of the foreign visitors were actually on the beach below the trees when the wildfire erupted, on Friday evening before midnight. Additionally, traces of firecrackers were recovered from an on-sight inspection of the Aghios Nikolaos beach.

The subsequent investigations into the incident by the coast guard and the fire brigade have also come under scrutiny by the respective bodies internal affairs units.

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