Ministry of Health Announces COVID Updates

The minister also announced that a legislative initiative for the cancellation of fines imposed on the elderly during the pandemic will be promptly submitted

A press conference took place today Jan.10 regarding the course of the coronavirus, where Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, along with the President of EODY (National Public Health Organization), and Professor of Pulmonology & Intensive Care at the University of Athens, Anastasia Kotanidou, gave updates on the virus spread.

The significant importance of vaccination against COVID-19 and the flu was highlighted by Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, in an attempt to urge citizens, especially those in more vulnerable groups to be vaccinated.

More specifically the minister stated “The first conclusion is the immense importance of vaccination, both for the flu and for COVID-19. The vaccination issue has divided us. In the intensity of the moments, we split into vaccinators and anti-vaccinators, we argued, and we hurt each other. According to the ministry’s opinion and my own, this era of conflict, ideological and political, it’s time for it to end.”

Furthermore, he stressed that COVID-19 is now part of our lives and we should treat it accordingly by taking all the measures necessary, including being annually vaccinated, to control its spreading in the community.

The minister also announced that a legislative initiative for the cancellation of fines imposed on the elderly during the pandemic will be promptly submitted.

Anastasia Kotanidou, Professor of Pulmonology & Intensive Care at the University of Athens, noted that despite the pressure on the healthcare system, the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are not under as much pressure. “The pressure is also due to other respiratory infections. We have a flu epidemic and many other infections such as RSV,” she pointed out.

Finally, the head of the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY) noted that the positivity rates for COVID-19 appear to be stabilizing.

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