Maximum Sentences Handed Down in Kolonos Child Prostitution Case

The primary suspect and defendant, a local mini-market owner, was convicted of a handful of felonies, such pimping and child pornography

A mixed jurist-juror (three and four) Athens first instance court on Monday handed down a life sentence against a 55-year-old local man convicted last week of rape and procuring a minor under the age of 14 for prostitution.

Ilias Michos was the primary suspect and defendant in the explosive “Kolonos case”, named after the inner-city Athens district where the then 12-year-old victim, as well as several of the now convicted perpetrators, lived.

Based on Greece’s penal code, the “life” sentence means at least a 20-year incarceration.

Michos, a local mini-market owner, was also convicted of a handful of felonies, such pimping and child pornography, as well as illegal possession of firearms.

Additionally, a retired merchant seaman, simply identified as “Michalis,” was handed down a sentence of 24 years for pimping and pornography.

The court also handed down a 20-month sentence to the now 14-year-old victim’s mother on a sole misdemeanor conviction of blackmail (of the perpetrator’s wife), meaning she will be set free this week on account of having been remanded for 18 months ahead of the trial’s conclusion. She was acquitted of more serious felony charges.

Another 15 defendants convicted of rape as “clients” of the child prostitution ring received sentences ranging from 13 months to seven years.

No extenuating circumstances were recognized by the court for the two main defendants.

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