Manpower Report: Sectors in Greece that Have Achieved Full Gender Equality in the Workplace

Greece surpasses this with 45%, showcasing progress but also room for improvement. Sectors like Consumer Goods and Services lead with 69% reporting full equality globally.

Despite ongoing gender disparities, a recent study conducted by Manpower Group shows more employers are actively promoting equality with progressive policies, skill enhancement, and flexible practices.

The “World Employment Outlook for Women in 2024” report sheds light on global disparities in gender equality in the workplace. While less than half of employers worldwide achieve full gender equality (41%), Greece surpasses this with 45%, showcasing progress but also room for improvement. Sectors like Consumer Goods and Services lead with 69% reporting full equality globally.

In Greece, notable strides are seen in various sectors, with Transport and Supply Chain boasting the highest percentage (52%) of employers affirming equality achievements, followed closely by Information Technology (51%), Financial & Real Estate (47%), Industry & Construction (47%), and Energy & Utilities (46%).

Flexible work policies are acknowledged by 30% of Greek companies as beneficial for talent retention and diversity, alongside initiatives like leadership development, internal support, mentoring, and academic partnerships. Globally, over one-third of employers (37%) agree on the effectiveness of flexible work policies for attracting diverse talents.

Moreover, 30% of organizations globally and 28% in Greece recognize the efficacy of leadership development programs in reducing historical barriers to management positions. Technology plays a pivotal role, with 65% of employers worldwide and in Greece attributing increased flexibility and gender equality to it.

Interestingly, 70% of Greek Information Technology sector employers report on-schedule pay equality initiatives, surpassing other sectors like Energy & Utilities (39%), Financial & Real Estate (39%), and Transport & Supply Chain (36%).

Efforts to enhance female representation vary by role type, with managerial and operational roles leading globally, while STEM fields and top management show lower representation. In Greece, there’s a greater emphasis on operational roles compared to managerial positions, indicating progress but ongoing challenges.

Becky Frankiewicz, Chief Commercial Officer of ManpowerGroup, stresses the economic imperative of gender-inclusive workforce practices amid talent shortages, emphasizing the need for equal competitive terms for women.

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